Visiting Professor Program Co‐Coordinator – Position Description
EqualHealth (EQ) is a non-‐governmental organization that supports the development of leaders among the next generation of Haitian health professionals. One of EQ’s initiatives is the Visiting Professor (VP) Program, which brings physician-‐educators to Haiti to teach brief (1-‐3 week) standalone and recurring courses that address curriculum needs identified by our partner sites in Haiti. This program is a cornerstone of EQ’s continued medical education programming in Haiti.
EQ is looking for an individual to serve as a co-‐coordinator for the VP Program. The VP Program Co-‐ Coordinator will be responsible for maintaining and expanding a database of potential professors, streamlining and enhancing VP program processes, communicating with our Haitian partners around VP course planning, leading orientation for each VP traveling to Haiti, and managing each VP’s travel logistics. In addition, the VP Program
Co-‐Coordinator will work closely with the Monitoring and Evaluation Team to facilitate the creation of reports and research presentations.
The ideal applicant will be motivated and assertive; comfortable in multicultural and multilingual settings; organized; have excellent, timely and nuanced communication skills; and be able to work independently. Daily access to electronic communication is a must. The applicant must be fluent in oral and written English and either French or Haitian Creole.
Marisa Nádas, MD, MPH, Chair of EQ Implementation Committee Erica Felker-‐Kantor, MA, MSPH, Chair of EQ Monitoring and Evaluation Committee
Internship Logistics
The internship will begin in October 2017 and will last for a period of one year, with an opportunity to renew the role. Time commitment will be approximately 8 to 10 hours a week, varying based on current VP courses, and most work will be done independently, with at least monthly team meetings. This is not a paid internship.
EQ is committed to helping individuals attain their academic goals, and to that end we are willing to work with those currently enrolled in college or graduate programs to meet requirements for practicum or other commitments in terms of supervision, documentation and time requirements.
How to Apply
Please send (1) a copy of your CV and (2) a cover letter to Marisa Nádas at mnadas@equalhealth.org with the subject line “Your Name: VP Program Co-‐Coordinator.” In your CV, please address all language skills and level of fluency (oral, reading, and writing). In your cover letter, please address your interest in our organization, as well as your ability to meet our time commitment.