Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Health Professions Week, Nov. 14 - 19

Health Professions Week (HPW2020) is a fun, weeklong event designed to lead you along a path to a healthcare profession. There are different events during HPW – so you can choose what content matters to you. A lot of HPW is on-demand on YouTube, so come back to learn more when you have new questions.

Participating students can enter to win one of thirty gift cards valued at $100 each or one of eight Sallie Mae scholarships valued at $500 each. We also have 5 sets of Kaplan Subject Review Books to give away in November! It’s really simple to become eligible to win – log into the virtual fair on Thursday, November 19th from 3-8pm Eastern. Register today

#HPW2020 is November 14-19, 2020. Why Attend HPW?
HPW is your one-stop-shop to explore over 20 career options.
HPW is a free event for all attendees, even parents and teachers.
HPW is a fully online event. Learn more and register here:

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