Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dinner with Doctors (Hosted by the Network of Pre-Medical Students)

Barnard Network of Pre-Medical Students is hosting a:
Dinner with Doctors
April 8th at 7:30 PM in the Diana Center Second Floor Cafe

This is a great opportunity for pre-med students to have informed discussions with doctors from a wide range of specialties, and free dinner of course!  

If you plan to attend the event and haven't already completed the Google Survey, please indicate your top three preferences for specialties of medicine.  

Monday, March 28, 2016

Reminder: Graduate Health Opportunities Fair March 31st

Please RSVP to: Bob Schwartz

AdviseStream Live Webinar: TODAY!


We are thrilled to announce the launch of AdviseStream to help guide and support all pre-health students at Barnard 


Monday, March 28th,
(immediately following the Personal Statement Workshop)

325 Milbank Hall
Join us Remotely 
(via your computer, tablet or phone)

  • Learn how to create an account, request a committee letter and request individual letters of recommendation for Cycle 2016
  • Learn about AdviseStream's resources to support your application process 
  • Q & A with an AdviseSteam Representative

Personal Statement Workshop: TODAY!

Come Join Us TODAY!

Presented by the Barnard Writing Fellows in collaboration with Dean Melinda Cohen

Monday, March 28th
325 Milbank Hall

  • Learn basic information and structure for an effective personal statement
  • Participate in activities to generate ideas and articulate your experiences 
  • Collaborate with your peers to give and receive feedback 
  • Learn strategies and resources to revise and polish your statement 

We hope to see you there!