The University of Michigan Frankel Cardiovascular Center Summer Undergraduate Fellowship program supports undergraduate students who are interested in cardiovascular research. Any undergraduate student who is currently enrolled at any degree granting University or College is eligible to apply for this opportunity, with preference given to those students interested in a career in research.
Program Description
Each student will be matched, based on their interests, to a laboratory that is led by a faculty member of the University of Michigan Frankel Cardiovascular Center. This collection of laboratories is involved in internationally recognized research in topics such as atherosclerosis, genetic cardiomyopathies, blood clotting disorders, cardiac arrhythmias, vascular biology, and heart failure.
The stipend will be $4,000 for ten weeks of full-time work, starting the Tuesday after Memorial Day and ending around the first week of August. There may also be financial aid assistance for travel and housing to students that qualify. There will be a research forum at the end of the summer in which fellows will present their work, as well as opportunities to attend research seminars throughout the summer.
The application for the 2019 Frankel CVC Summer Undergraduate Fellowship program will open mid-December and the deadline for submission is January 31, 2019.
More information about the program as well as a link to the electronic application (once it is open) can be found here: fcvcsummerfellowship