Thursday, April 5, 2018

Opportunity: Summer EMT Course for University Students

This summer (June or July 2018), the Yeshiva University EMS club is organizing an emergency medical technician (EMT) course for undergraduate students. Getting to network with passionate pre-health students from other universities in the NYC area will be a great experience, and the medical skills and clinical exposure will look great on any pre-health resume! ALSO, THE COURSE IS ONLY 15 DAYS!

The course will take place for 15 days in June or July (exact dates tbd) from 10 am till 6 pm on one of the Yeshiva University campuses, which are conveniently located in the heart of NYC. The cost of the course is $1,500. 
(If finances are an issue, there are many volunteer ambulance/fire organizations that will pay for your course in return for becoming an active member! Seek out your local agencies for more details)

With previous courses run in the past, we have found this schedule to be most ideal for university students. Understanding the difficulty of taking an EMT course while in school, we would like to open up this opportunity to other university students in the New York City area. 

Please sign-up if you are interested and want more information. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Event: Registration Q&A with Dean Cohen this Friday!!

Announcement: Special registration procedures for Barnard General Chemistry

From the Barnard Chemistry Department:

Barnard General Chemistry BC2001 is one of the largest and most popular intro science courses at Barnard, and we are regularly filled to capacity. It is our goal to be able to accommodate every student who wishes to take the course, and we will do everything we can to facilitate your needs. However, the size of the course (over 150 students) and the physical limitations of the laboratory which is a required component requires a very strict policy on enrollment and limits our flexibility. BC2001 is a unified lecture and laboratory course - you must be enrolled in a lab and recitation section. 

If you want to register in BC2001/2011/2012, please carefully review the following procedures. If these are not followed exactly your request will not be approved.

Procedures for adding General Chemistry BC2001 to your program:

The first rule of getting into Genchem lab is DON'T PANIC. The online system will tell you that every section is full. Ignore this warning and put yourself on a wait list ASAP as follows:

1 Add the main lecture BC2001x (5 points) to your program. This course is open enrollment (up to the enrollment cap) and does not require approval.

2 Add the pre-lab recitation section of BC2011 (0 points) on the day you wish to have lab. When you do this and click "register" during your assigned registration appointment, you will be automatically added to the wait list. All students are placed on the wait list for lab and recitation sections initially. We will come along and add you to the course if there is space permitting and if you have properly signed up for the other two courses.

3 Add the laboratory section of BC2012 (0 points) on the same day you requested a recitation section. When you do this and click "register" during your assigned registration appointment, you will be automatically added to the wait list. All students are placed on the wait list for lab and recitation sections initially. We will come along and add you to the course if there is space permitting and if you have properly signed up for the other two courses.

4 There is a limit to how many courses you can be simultaneously on the waitlist for - this is set by the system and cannot be altered. Do not sign up for multiple sections of lecture/labas you only will be considered for placement for courses properly paired up. If you somehow make it to more than one waitlist for lab or recitation, you will only be placed in the one which is matched.

5 Our attendance policy requires you to attend every week of lab, and we start the opening week of classes. Carefully review your Fall personal schedule before signing up for a lab section, as we only allow excused absences under very limited circumstances.

Please note: The first thing the system will check when promoting names off of the wait list is proper enrollment in both BC2011/BC2012. If you do not appear on both waiting lists (BC2011 and BC2012) on the same day, you will never be admitted to the course!

If you have any questions:
Please don't hesitate to ASK the laboratory director, Dr. J ( Please do NOT contact Prof. Rachel Austin (the primary instructor in the course) with questions about laboratory placement, as she will be unable to assist you.

See you in lab!
Dr. J


Q: What if I want to register for both Genchem and Bio 1500? The system won't let me join more than 3 waitlists!!!!
A: Since the Bio waitlists won't be managed until after registration week, we recommend you waitlist (correctly!) for GenChem ASAP at your first opportunity to register, and then join the Bio waitlists as soon as you are admitted to Genchem.

Q:  What if I want to change lab/recitation sections after successfully registering?
A:  Please be aware that all sections of lab are full to capacity. We sympathize with the fact that many of you will adjust your programs after pre-enrollment, but the size of this course and the fact that we start the first day of class severely limits our ability to accommodate section changes. Students attempting to add BC2001 will receive priority in lab sections over students attempting to change sections.

Q:  Okay but what if I really, really want or need to change sections?
A: If you registered correctly for the course, you should already be enrolled in BC2001/BC2011/BC2012. To attempt to change sections of lab, you should enroll in the section of BC2011 recitation on the day you would like to switch to, and attempt to add the desired section of BC2012 lab. If there is space in the lab, you will be automatically added. If not, you will go onto the wait list. Do not drop your current sections of recitation and laboratory unless/until you receive confirmation from the system that your new section of BC2012 is approved.

Once you receive confirmation, either immediate or otherwise, that you have successfully added the new section of BC2012 you should immediately drop the old sections of BC2011 and BC2012.  Other waitlisted students will thank you.

Announcement: Special Admission Procedures for BIOL BC1500, Intro to Organismal & Evolutionary Biology

If you're planning on taking BIOL BC1500, Intro to Organismal & Evolutionary Biology or its lab, remember that this course has three parts, and you must register for all three:
  1. BIOL BC1500 - Intro to Organismal & Evolutionary Biology Lecture (3 credits)
  2. BIOL BC1501 - Lab (2 credits)
  3. BIOL BC1511 - Recitation (0 credits; sometimes called "lab lecture")

All students who attempt to add these courses will be initially waitlisted for lecture and lab. The department is manually managing these waiting lists in order to give priority to Barnard students who need or want these courses.

When you find you are waitlisted for Bio 1500 and lab, DON'T PANIC:

All students who sign up for these courses will be moved from the waiting list to the class according to a set of predetermined criteria.

Priority will be determined as follows:
  1. Students who started the series in the spring and who want to complete the series next fall 
  2. Barnard students who have taken a year of Chemistry as first-years and want to get started on Bio as sophomores 
  3. Entering Barnard first years who want to take 1500 during their first year 
  4. Anyone else
Note: Students will be moved from the Bio 1500 lab waiting list to the class after the last day of registration week. To check your status, log into Student Planning via myBarnard on Monday, April 23 (the Monday after registration week) to check your status. If your Bio lecture, recitation, and lab are all green, you're all set! 

If you have any questions then (or before), you may be in touch with James Casey, Associate Lab Director.

Q: What if I want to register for both General Chemistry and Bio 1500? The system won't let me join more than 3 waitlists!!!!
A: Since the Bio waitlists won't be managed until after registration week, we recommend you waitlist (correctly!) for GenChem ASAP at your first opportunity to register, and then join the Bio waitlists as soon as you are admitted to Genchem.

Event: TODAY 4/3 Rutgers Med Info Session (Click title for more information)

Tues., Apr. 3, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Students are invited to meet with Dr. George Heinrich, Dean of Admissions at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, who will speak with premeds about the admissions process to the school with special attention to early decisions.

Event: TODAY 4/3 MD/PhD Panel Discussion at Columbia

MD/PhD Panel Discussion
April 3, 2018
Lerner Hall, 401

Register here

Our panelists will speak about the preparation for a career as a
physician-scientist.  They will address common questions, including:

· Why choose a MD/PhD program?
· Who is a competitive applicant for combined degree programs?
· How should students choose programs and schools that are the
  right fit?

Panelists include representatives from Columbia University, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai and New York University.