Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Announcement: Cycle 2018 Opens Today!

 jared leto 30 seconds to mars into the wild thirty seconds to mars shannon leto GIF

Cycle 2018 Officially Opened October 25, 2017

All students (both first time and re-applicants) planning to receive a Committee Letter of Evaluation to apply to medical or dental programs in the spring/summer 2018MUST complete Part I: Request for a Committee Letter by November 15th.

2. Cycle 2018 Timeline 

We are thrilled to begin another application cycle and look forward to working with and supporting all of you!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Event: Veterinary Medical Panel at Columbia Nov 9th

Opportunity: Beyond Barnard Grad School Week

2017 Barnard Graduate School Week: 

Tuesday, October 24, 6:00 pm:
Crafting the Personal Statement
Facilitated by:  Professors Pam Cobrin, Ph.D and Wendy Schor-Haim, Ph.D
Diana Center LL103

Wednesday, October 25, 6:00 pm:
GradTalk:  Pathway to the Ph.D
Panel:  Sian Beilock, Ph.D  (Cognitive Psycology) President, Barnard College
            Severin Fowles, Ph.D (Anthropology)
            Abosede George, Ph.D (History)
            Sharon Harrison, Ph.D  (Economics)
            Anne Higonnet, Ph.D (Art History)
            Homa Zarghamee, Ph.D  (Economics)
Milbank 328

Thursday, October 26, 6:00 pm:
Graduate Information Sessions:
Harvard Medical School
Life Sciences Ph.D Programs
Davie VanVactor, Ph.D   (Co-Sponsored by Barnard Departments of Biology and Chemistry)
Diana Center 203

Harvard Business School
2+2 MBA Program Admissions Information Session
Diana Center LL 103