Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Apply to Be a Science Fellow!

The Science Fellows are a subset of the Writing and Speaking Fellows program. We are students pursuing majors in a large variety of subjects, but have taken rigorous science courses and pursued our own research interests.

In doing so, we have realized the importance of communicating science at Barnard and beyond. We work closely with science professors across departments to support every student in developing tools to describe and interpret data, use scientific language clearly and concisely, and blend the skills learned in humanities classes with scientific ones.

Freshmen and sophomores are eligible to apply, and this is a paid position ($1050 stipend per semester). Interested in learning more? Attend the information session this Sunday, February 23, 5:00 PM (Barnard Hall 217).

Access the application (due March 2, 2020) here & resources for applicants here.

Read more about the program here & sign up for updates here.