Monday, February 10, 2020

Mentor In Residence: Mayra Alvarez, Pediatric Clinical Psychologist

Register to meet with Mayra Alvarez, Pediatrics Clinical Psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center, on Friday, February 21st. After you register for the event, you will be redirected to the site where you can schedule a 30-minute appointment.

The Mentor-in-Residence program provides students with an opportunity to learn more about the industry, gain insights about possible career paths, and ask questions only an industry-expert can answer.

For more information about Mayra, please click the below link to reference her LinkedIn profile:

Please note you may be meeting with up to two other students at the same time and the appointment will be held in the Beyond Barnard office. Space is limited and scheduling is on a first come, first serve basis.

If you have any questions about the Mentor-in-Residence program, please email