Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Barnard Biological Sciences Department Event: Seminar & Coffee Hour with Dr. Bianca Jones Marlin

The last fall Seminar & Coffee Hour that aim to bring diverse scientists to Barnard will take place next Monday, November 8th at 12 pmRSVP if you'd like to join us in person -- we'll have coffee and pastries to go. 

Dr. Bianca Jones Marlin, one of the newest faculty members at the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, opened her own lab as an assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience in January, 2021, at the Jerome L.Greene Science Center, the home of the Zuckerman Institute. Since beginning as a postdoc with Richard Axel, MD, in 2016, Dr. Marlin has been working to answer one of biology’s most perplexing questions: How does stressor trauma get passed down to children and even grandchildren? The Marlin Lab uses a mouse model to uncover the biological mechanisms. She aims to utilize neurobiology and the science of learning to better inform both the scientific and educational community on how positive experiences dictate brain health, academic performance, and social well-being. The attached flyer includes the abstract for her seminar, Bridging the Gap Between Innate and Learned: A Parent's Role in Promoting Survival.

RSVP to attend either in person or virtually by no later than 5 pm THIS Friday! A recording of the seminar will be available by request. 

Questions can be sent to Melissa Flores.