Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Deadline Extended: Careers in Medicine Enhancement Program (CMEP) at Weill Cornell Medical College

The CMEP Program is open to sophomores, juniors, seniors, recent graduates, and post-baccalaureate students at City College, Columbia, Cornell, Fordham University, Hunter College, and St. John's-Queens that are interested in pursuing a career in medicine/healthcare. 

All candidates who meet the above criteria may apply. We especially encourage applications from groups currently underrepresented in medicine and research, including students who are: Native American, Black, and Latinx students.

- Complete online application
- Submit an Unofficial Transcript
- One CV or Resume
One Letter of Recommendation (Not Required) This can be from a Pre-Med Advisor or faculty and submitted to dcoe-premed@med.cornell.edu

*Update: Online application is due January 12, 2022.