Friday, March 27, 2020

AMCAS Webinar for Applicants - April 21

On Tuesday, April 21st at 2:00 p.m. ET the AAMC will host the Navigating the 2021 AMCAS Application Cycle for Applicants webinarThis 90-minute session will prepare applicants for the 2021 AMCAS application cycle. Attendees will receive a walkthrough of the AMCAS application, available AMCAS resources and more! Register today.

Currently, all AMCAS services are continuing regular operations and there are no changes to application timelines and milestones. The AAMC is continuing to monitor guidance from the CDC and WHO and have processes in place should they need to make operational adjustments during this rapidly changing situation. 

AAMC Services updates on operations due to coronavirus restrictions can be found at the following links: